Tech Rehearsal Day 1
It's official. THE REGULARS have invaded The Apollo Studio.
The technical day started with Luke Harmon driving down in the ZAG XT to help me load up and transport our lovely wall up to the space. After fun shopping at HOBO and Menards for ropes, tarps, and bricks, The Wall was secured, my car was loaded with props and tools and we hit the road. I was very happy with how well the flats handled the drive. There was a significant part of me that was afraid they would catch the wind on the interstate and act like a sail. Thanks to bungees and a copious amount of rope, the buggers didn't budge until we told them to.
Arriving at the space, the lovely Breahan Pautsch, Sarah Harmon, and Mama Harmon helped us unload both cars and soon the deck of The Apollo was covered in milk crates, cardboard boxes, and restaurant accoutrements. First order of business was to assemble the wall, which went up quickly and easily thanks to carabiners and thumbscrews. While tweaking and working on the set after Build Day, I kept hearing a tiny voice in the very back of my head say, "What if it's too wide?" Even after measuring numerous times and obsessively checking the floor plan, I simply had to see this monstrosity in the space. And it fit with six inches to spare. Chris Jacobs arrived and my minions began to tape boxes together and paint milk crates while I added a few more structural elements to the wall. The rest of the time spent before the actors arrived consisted of Joe Griffin and I playing with QLab and sound levels as well as some pretty lighting.
When the actors did arrive, I gave them a tour of the space and we had our costume parade (with music brought to you by Harry Belafonte). They look amazing. Janna Weddle really outdid herself on this production. What was even more amazing was watching fight call in the battle damaged costumes. After fighting with each other, the run of the show began. While the cast was expending energy onstage and getting used to the space for the first time, it was a run for me in every sense of the word. Not only was I running sound cues just as in rehearsal, but also running back and forth from the tech booth to the front of house to check lighting cues and faders. Even though I felt like three million things were running through my head and I was fielding just short that number of questions, I was having a ball. Tech week is magical as you see all the production elements click together instead of just sketches and discussions around a kitchen table. The show is becoming real and with the amount of laughter generated from the run last night, it's going to be real funny as well.

Josh teaches the cast the customary way to tie an apron.
Part of the costume parade. I think Carla's costume is hilarious, it's just missing a riding crop.
Music Makin' Boys sharing secrets.
About to start fight call. No one can resist the fist pump.
Want to get a sneak preview of the show FOR FREE?
We are opening our final dress rehearsal on Thursday, May 6 as a free preview.
Curtain is at 8pm, and space is limited, so plan early to arrive at The Apollo Studio to snag a seat and be among the first to experience the madness.
I'd like to make it a rule that every rehearsal needs to end with the dance from Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance."