Thursday, March 25, 2010

"She's Got That New Girl Smell"

Rehearsal Day 4: End of Week One

One week down, only five to go! Tonight we tackled the blocking for the scene including the "New Girl" song, where we meet Denise the manager and also get to hear Hank sing for the first time; we saw what happens to the crew when their reserves of ketchup and sugar run out; and also heard Simon's argument of innocence.

We had (nearly) the whole cast present which helped us work out one of our largest obstacles - the confines of the Apollo Studio. With eight characters, the stage gets very crowded very quickly. However, it does nothing but help the graphic novel concept, as all the action needs to fit into a frame and create a picture the audience can see and follow. A lot of the direction of the show is going towards over the top, melodramatic, and even stylized movements that almost brought Josh and I to tears with laughter this evening. Carla had some great line deliveries as Denise, and Bryan threw some great physical comedy in while trying to control boxes and a hand truck named Dolly.
Josh directs Derek during his solo of "The New Girl"

Jake Autizen (Bear) takes notes. You can see Dolly in the left hand corner. She's pretty special.

Simon pleads his case to Autumn. Bear is down.

What do we do now?

See you all in a few days for Stage Combat Sunday!

But before I go, here's a shameless plug for another company. Check out WildClaw's production of William Peter Blatty's "LEGION," featuring the director of "The Regulars" Josh Zagoren.
Find the
(And if you go this coming Saturday, you may be able to spot some "Regular" people there)

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