Monday, April 26, 2010

Bop It!

Home Stretch!
Rehearsal Day 21: Final Stage Combat Sunday
Last Week of Rehearsals!

It's crunch time, kiddos! Every day seems to be more jam packed with getting the show ready to roll next Friday (eep!). This past Friday, Derek Elstro (Hank) stopped by Joe Griffin's apartment to lay down his soundtrack recording of "The New Girl" song, which sounds excellent. Saturday morning brought Breahan Pautsch, of Hobo Junction webmistress fame, to play flute and piccolo to layer over "Sharing My Time With You." The track sounds even more epic and incredible. Bryan Campbell was the last to record this weekend, laying down "The Billy Bar" and "Rally Song" for the soundtrack as well as the show CD. During "Rally Song," B. Campbell is harmonizing with himself and the end of the song is perfectly Simon-ized with a dash of Jason Statham.

Sunday brought our last fight rehearsal, with Beau polishing and tweaking the fights to solidify and tighten up the moves. We were able to bring all three fights up to show speed and play the score underneath, which ramped up the intensity and seemed to bring out more energy from the cast. Overall, everyone seems to be having more fun with the show now that lines and blocking are down. Josh and I have some tricks up our sleeves to shake things up a bit and play with the show as we drive on to tech week.

Sarah Harmon stopped by last night to snap some photos of rehearsal and fight call with her high-quality camera, so look forward to some excellent pictures from her later this week. For now, let's dig back into the vault of Regulars Fun Pictures for the day...
Josh and Dan look for places to hide the body. Weren't you boys supposed to be writing the music?
Dan Krall, ladies and gentlemen. Did the $1 burgers get to him? Or the Coronas?
This may or may not be the wallpaper on my computer.
Regulars+Firefly=Utter Happiness.
How does the sink work again? Right....

A move that sadly did not make it into the final fight...The Denise Battering Ram!