Saturday, February 27, 2010

Lasagna, Drawings, and Eye Drops

Had our first design/production meeting on Thursday night, which I had been looking forward to. However, I woke up Thursday morning with an eye infection and head cold - neither one conducive to driving an hour to a meeting with people. Thanks to the wonder of modern technology, however, I was able to participate (to the best of my ability) via the wonders of Gmail Video Chat (both Josh and I heavily endorse and use this feature). Shared my ideas for the set, as I am being allowed to try my hand at set design for this production as well as the color scheme for the set (again, very 300). Janna has some incredible ideas for the costumes as they progress through the show...but I don't want to give too much away yet. I will give you this tidbit - I have a strong desire to watch Mad Max and The Road Warrior.
C-Rex chatted about marketing, which is going to be above and beyond previous productions and will be le awesome. Luke brought us up to speed on Patty McHobo's Talent McShowbo, the first fundraiser for The Regulars as well as the first OPEN MIC TALENT SHOW Hobo Junction has put on. I'm debating what talent I should put forth before the masses and Chad the Puppet. Any thoughts? But aside from my personal debate, the better question is what are you going to perform? There are only about 30 slots left, so act quickly! Plus, if you are a performer, you get in for free! Free admission in Chicago on St. Patrick's Day? Sounds like a great deal to me!
The first working version of the script as well as the rehearsal demos for all the songs go out to the cast on Monday! This means we are well on our way to bringing this epic saga to the Apollo! It's been fun watching the written word change over the past few months, it will be even more exciting to see how the actors shape and develop their characters and bring out the hilarity. I've already been privy to some of this work. Josh is meeting one on one with each actor to chat about who each character is. I was lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time to join in the conversation with Bryan Campbell on who his character, Simon, is and will be in the show. So delightfully different from Bryan's last Junction appearance as Mr. Hunt in Horrible.
On a non-Junction note, Chicago Fringe Fest will be holding their lottery for the Fest this September on February 28 (that's tomorrow, folks!). I plan on attending, and the Junction's own Luke Harmon has organized the whole event! Plus, it's free as well. You have no excuse now. Be there.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

They Look Thirsty!

I finally watched 300 tonight, the film that started this whole crazy mess. I honestly had low expectations going into it, but had fun watching and it was better (and much more fun) than I thought it would be. Not only am I stage managing this go 'round with the Junction, but I'm also designing the set. Watching 300 gave me some more color saturation/palettes I want to play with in the design. Our first Production Team meeting is this coming Thursday and I'm excited to see what everyone else is bringing to the table and how it will all mesh together. I'm especially eager to see Janna Weddle's costume design.

On another note, St. Patrick's Day in Chicago is always an epic event. The Chicago River dyed green, South Side Irish letting their crazy out even more, Flogging Molly will be in town the weekend get the picture.

Why not spend your St. Paddy's Day with Hobo Junction?



Hobo Junction’s St. Patrick’s Day Talent Show and Drink-A-Thon!!

Hobo Junction is taking full advantage of St. Patrick's Day by hosting the craziest stop on your pub crawl! Hosted by Crash Pad's very own CHAD PUPPET ( and featuring: YOU! That's right...this is an all-inclusive TALENT SHOW!!!

So if you have a talent, or your friend has a talent or your boyfriend can burp the ABC's and you want to embarrass him in front of his buds, email: with your name and talent and WE WILL PUT YOU ON STAGE FOR THREE WHOLE MINUTES!! And here's the best part:

Talent gets in FREE (talent ONLY, there will be a list).

So email us, get on the list, bring your talent and bring your friends (They have to pay though, this IS a fundraiser)! DRINKS... PUPPETS...TALENT...NO HOLDS BARRED ST PATRICK'S DAY MAYHEM!


WHERE: The Spot - 4437 N. Broadway Avenue * Chicago, IL 60640

WHEN: March 17th 7pm - 10pm (7pm-8pm ALL YOU CAN DRINK!!!)

TICKETS: $15.00

So dust off those ol' twirling batons, joke shop magic tricks, swallowing swords, and whatever else is hanging out in your closet or crawlspace and have fun with some Regular people!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Well, Hello There...

Howdy folks!

Welcome to the Stage Manager blog for Hobo Junction's The Regulars! In the upcoming months, you will find all kinds of juicy, tasty tidbits of what's happening behind the scenes of a show that's set in the back room of a restaurant. Sound fun? I knew it would.

While this blog may be just starting, we've been hard at work on this baby since December. This is actually a re-tooling of a previous production of "The Regulars" that was done two years ago. I wasn't around then, but I've heard the epic stories. Anyway, Josh started rewriting the script, jammed out some songs with Dan, and then we were well on our way to auditions. Auditions came and went with an incredible amount of talent walking in and out the door and we found our elite eight. Check out the cast announcement.

Rehearsals begin March 21, and until then the actors will be hard at work on their characters, Josh will be hard at work writing, designers will be designing, music will be made awesome, and the temperature in the kitchen will rise.

To amuse yourself in the meantime, mosey on over to Hobo Junction's Facebook page (link in the sidebar) and follow Josh's Director Vlog. Just don't mention cream soda. Please. I beg you.